Anthony Moreira

Post-doctoral Researcher


Ciência Id: 1513-970E-7321

Researcher Id: K-3968-2014

ORCID: 0000-0003-0781-5424

Scopus: 56579699500

I graduated in Marine Biology and Biotechnology, with specialization in Aquaculture and Fisheries in 2010. Since then, I’ve performed research activities in different areas of knowledge within Marine Biology, including a MSc degree in Applied Biology (2012) – dissertation on benthic macrofaunal assemblages’ ecology; a PhD in Biology (2018) – thesis on oyster ecophysiology under global change scenarios; one Post Doc fellowship (2019) – studies on microbial-algal calcification processes; and a Researcher position (2020) – on macroalgae aquaculture. Over the course of my academic studies and curricular path, I obtained a multidisciplinary profile and scientific background in the areas of marine invertebrate ecophysiology, global change biology, marine ecotoxicology, experimental biology, algae photobiology, and marine organisms’ cultivation technologies. Ever curious about the wonders of the natural world, biodiversity and evolution, my research interests span from fundamental research to applied sciences in Marine Biology, with a particular interest in blue biotechnology and aquaculture. At present, I am Junior Researcher at CESAM&UA after obtaining a Scientific Employment Stimulus Grant (FCT CEEC 3rd edition) started December 2020. I’m starting an independent line of research dedicated to exploring the potential of using biomaterials derived from marine diatoms, towards the development of new generation microencapsulation devices for drug delivery applications in aquaculture.


Keywords: Biotechnology; Aquaculture, Ecophysiology; Photobiology, Ecotoxicology; Algae; Biomaterials.