Vesa Havurinne

Post-doctoral Researcher


Ciência Id: 3713-AF9E-E0AB

ORCID: 0000-0001-5213-0905

Scopus: 56971626400

I started getting acquainted with kleptoplastic sea slugs already during my undergrad years, when I wrote my bachelor’s thesis on the topic back in Finland at the university of Turku. At the same time I was also starting to get an idea about all the clever biophysical methods to study photosynthesis in plants, algae and cyanobacteria. This eventually led me to do my master’s degree in the group of docent Esa Tyystjärvi on the topic of photoinhibition of PSII in diatoms. A natural continuation of my work at the university of Turku was to combine my expertise on biophysics of photosynthesis and photoinhibition to the one research subject that seemingly somehow avoids photoinhibition: photosynthetic sea slugs. In my PhD I mainly focused on comparing the photosynthetic light reactions and photoinhibition between the sea slug Elysia timida and its prey alga Acetabularia acetabulum. Althourgh highly rewarding, it was an absolute pain to try and keep the slugs and their prey alga alive all by myself in Finland. I am therefore relieved to have followed my slugs all the way to Aveiro to join the Kleptoslug group led by Dr. Sónia Cruz, where I will delve deeper into the topics of photoinhibition, ROS formation, host-kleptoplast interactions and many more, with the help of other group members who share my passion with the slugs.


Keywords: action spectroscopy, algae, biophysics of photosynthesis, Chl fluorescence, photoinhibition, Western blot