Kleptoslug Dissemination Activities

During spring and summer 2023, the MP2Lab team has been pretty much all over the world presenting the latest results of the Kleptoslug project at international conferences:


  • The 16th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and The 5th Nordic Algae Symposium, Umeå, Sweden;
  • New Phytologist Next Generation Scientists 2023, Singapore.
  • Plant Biology Europe 2023, Marseille, France;
  • Chloroplast Biology Conference, Zurich, Switzerland;
  •  15th International Colloquium of Endocytobiology and Symbiosis, Chicago, USA.


In the picture, Vesa Havurinne presents the results of photoinhibition in photosynthetic sea slugs at the New Phytologist Next Generation Scientists Symposium in Singapore.

