Diogo Marçal

Lab technician

Email: diogomarcal@ua.pt

I have a bachelor degree in Marine Sciences from the University of Aveiro (2023) and am currently getting my master’s degree in Applied Biology at the same university. From 2022 to 2023, I began volunteering at CEPAM-ECOMARE on the operation and maintenance of recirculated life support systems for marine organisms used for public exhibition and ex situ experimentation with marine invertebrates as part of scientific projects and postgraduate work. In addition, I was responsible for outlining a commercial-scale production protocol for the ornamental marine nudibranch Berghia stephanieae, as well as producing a detailed photographic guide bi-phasic development of this organism’s life cycle. In 2024, I started my professional activity as a Laboratory Technician at UA, in the KleptoSlug project, focusing on the maintenance and cultivation of sea slugs of the order Sacoglossa, cultivation of macro and microalgae and support in laboratory activities. I now have the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge acquired in previous years.


Keywords: life support systems, sea slugs, ornamental nudibranchs, macro and microalgae cultivation.