
Look through the publications from our lab

Goessling, J.W., M.P. Ashworth, M. Ellegaard, J. Serôdio, M.-L. Garcia. 2024. Hypotheses on Frustule Functionalities: From Single Species Analysis to Systematic Approaches. In Diatom Photosynthesis: From Primary Production to High‐Value Molecules, 267-300. Wiley-Scrivener.


Reissig, L., M. Ghobara, C. Maibohm, J.W. Goessling. 2024. A Journey to Mars with Diatoms on Board. In Diatom Photosynthesis: From Primary Production to High‐Value Molecules, 551-581. Wiley-Scrivener.


Lopes, D., S.S. Aveiro, S. Cruz, P. Cartaxana, P. Domingues. 2024. Proteomic analysis of the mucus of the photosynthetic sea slug Elysia crispata. Journal of Proteomics 294, 105087.


Morelli, L., V. Havurinne, D. Madeira, P. Martins, P. Cartaxana, S. Cruz. 2024. Photoprotective mechanisms in Elysia species hosting Acetabularia chloroplasts shed light on host-donor compatibility in photosynthetic sea slugs. Physiologia Plantarum 176,  e14273.


Vital, X.G., N. Simões, S. Cruz, M. Mascaró. 2023. Photosynthetic animals and where to find them: abundance and size of a solar-powered sea slug in different light conditions. Marine Biology 170, 154.


Cartaxana, P., L. Morelli, E. Cassin, V. Havurinne, M. Cabral, S. Cruz. 2023. Prey species and abundance affect growth and photosynthetic performance of the polyphagous sea slug Elysia crispata. Royal Society Open Science 10, 230810.


Rey, F., P. Cartaxana, S. Cruz, T. Melo, M.R. Domingues. 2023. Revealing the polar lipidome, pigment profiles, and antioxidant activity of the giant unicellular green alga, Acetabularia acetabulum. Journal of Phycology 59, 1025-1040.


Morelli, L., P. Cartaxana, S. Cruz. 2023. Food shaped photosynthesis: Photophysiology of the sea slug Elysia viridis fed with two alternative chloroplast donors. Open Research Europe 3, 107.


Resende, A.C.R., R. Pereira, C. Nunes, S. Cruz, R. Calado, P. Cartaxana. 2023. Photosynthetic pigment and carbohydrate profiling of Fucus vesiculosus from an Iberian coastal lagoon. Plants 12, 1324.


Rey, F., P. Cartaxana, S. Aveiro, M. Greenacre, T. Melo, P. Domingues, M.R. Domingues, S. Cruz. 2023. Light modulates the lipidome of the photosynthetic sea slug Elysia timida. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 1868(2), 159249.


Silva, R.X.G., D. Madeira, P. Cartaxana, R. Calado. 2023. Assessing the trophic impact of bleaching: The model pair Berghia stephanieae /Exaiptasia diaphana. Animals 13, 291.


Travesso, M., M. Missionário, S. Cruz, R. Calado, D. Madeira. 2023. Combined effect of marine heatwaves and light intensity on the cellular stress response and photophysiology of the leather coral Sarcophyton cf. glaucum. Science of The Total Environment 861, 160460.


Cruz, S., P. Cartaxana. 2022. Kleptoplasty: Getting away with stolen chloroplasts. PLoS Biology 20(11): e3001857.


Lopes, D., S. Cruz, P. Martins, S. Ferreira, C. Nunes, P. Domingues, P. Cartaxana. 2022. Sea slug mucus production is supported by photosynthesis of stolen chloroplasts. Biology 11, 1207.


Marques, R., A. Moreira, S. Cruz, R. Calado, P. Cartaxana. 2022. Controlling Light to optimize growth and added value of the green macroalga Codium tomentosum. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 906332.


Calado, R., R. Mamede, S. Cruz, M.C. Leal. 2022. Updated trends on the biodiscovery of new marine natural products from invertebrates. Marine Drugs 20, 389.


Moreira, A., S. Cruz, R. Marques, P. Cartaxana. 2022. The underexplored potential of green macroalgae in aquaculture. Reviews in Aquaculture 14: 5-26.


Cartaxana, P., D. Lopes, B. Martinez, P. Martins, S. Cruz. 2022. Aposymbiotic specimen of the photosynthetic sea slug Elysia crispata. Diversity  14: 313.


Cartaxana, P. 2021. Portugal: female science leaders could speed up change. Nature 600, 221.


Vital, X.G., F. Rey, P. Cartaxana, S. Cruz, M.R. Domingues, R. Calado, N. Simões. 2021. Pigment and fatty acid heterogeneity in the sea slug Elysia crispata is not shaped by habitat depth. Animals 11: 3157.


Cartaxana, P., F. Rey, C. LeKieffre, D. Lopes, C. Hubas, J.E. Spangenberg, S. Escrig, B. Jesus, G. Calado, R. Domingues, M. Kühl, R. Calado, A. Meibom, S. Cruz. 2021. Photosynthesis from stolen chloroplasts can support sea slug reproductive fitness. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288: 20211779.


Silva, R.X.G., P. Cartaxana, R. Calado, 2021. Prevalence and photobiology of photosynthetic dinoflagellate endosymbionts in the nudibranch Berghia stephanieae. Animals 11: 2200.


Giossi, C.E., S. Cruz, F. Rey, R. Marques, T. Melo, M.R. Domingues, P. Cartaxana. 2021. Light induced changes in pigment and lipid profiles of Bryopsidales algae. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 745083.


Custódio, M., P. Cartaxana, S. Villasante, R. Calado, A.I. Lillebø. 2021. LED Lighting and high-density planting enhance the cost-efficiency of Halimione portulacoides extraction units for integrated aquaculture. Applied Sciences 11: 4995.


Marques R., S. Cruz, R. Calado, A. Lillebo, H. Abreu, R. Pereira, B. Pitarma, J.M. da Silva, P. Cartaxana. 2021. Effects of photoperiod and light spectra on growth and pigment composition of the green macroalga Codium tomentosum. Journal of Applied Phycology 33: 471-480.


Jerónimo D., A.I. Lillebo, J. Cremades, P. Cartaxana, R. Calado. 2021. Recovering wasted nutrients from shrimp farming through the combined culture of polychaetes and halophytes. Scientific Reports 11: 6587.


Giossi C., P. Cartaxana, S. Cruz. 2020. Photoprotective role of neoxanthin in plants and algae. Molecules 25: 4617.


Cartaxana P., S. Cruz. 2020. On the art of stealing chloroplasts. eLife 99: e57389.


Cruz, S., C. LeKieffre, P. Cartaxana, C. Hubas, N. Thiney, S. Jakobsen, S. Escrig, B. Jesus, M. Kühl, R. Calado, A. Meibom. 2020. Functional kleptoplasts intermediate incorporation of carbon and nitrogen in cells of the Sacoglossa sea slug Elysia viridis. Scientific Reports 10: 10548.


Rey, F., T. Melo, P. Cartaxana, R. Calado, P. Domingues, S. Cruz, M.R.M. Domingues. 2020. Coping with starvation: contrasting lipidomic dynamics in the cells of two Sacoglossan sea slugs incorporating stolen plastids from the same macroalgae. Integrative and Comparative Biology 60(1): 43-56.


Lichtenberg, M., P. Cartaxana, M. Kühl. 2020. Vertical migration optimizes photosynthetic efficiency of motile cyanobacteria in a coastal microbial mat. Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 359.


Rey, F., P. Cartaxana, T. Melo, R. Calado, R. Pereira, H. Abreu , P. Domingues, S. Cruz, M.R.M. Domingues. 2020. Domesticated populations of Codium tomentosum display lipid extracts with lower seasonal shifts than conspecifics from the wild – relevance for biotechnological applications of this green seaweed. Marine Drugs 18: 188.


Cartaxana, P., F. Rey, M. Ribeiro, A.S.P. Moreira, M.R.M. Domingues, R. Calado, S. Cruz. 2019. Nutritional state determines reproductive investment in the mixotrophic sea slug Elysia viridis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 611: 167-177.


Cartaxana, P., L. Morelli, B. Jesus, G. Calado, R. Calado, S. Cruz. 2019. The photon menace: kleptoplast protection in the photosynthetic sea slug Elysia timida. Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb202580.


Goessling, J., Y. Su, P. Cartaxana, C. Maibohm, L. Rickelt, E. Trampe, S. Walby, D. Wangpraseurt, X. Wu, M. Ellegaard, M. Kühl. 2018. Structure-based optics of centric diatom frustules: Modulation of the in vivo light field for efficient diatom photosynthesis. New Phytologist 219: 122-134.


Cartaxana, P., L. Morelli, C. Quintaneiro, G. Calado, R. Calado, S. Cruz. 2018. Kleptoplasts photoacclimation state modulates the photobehaviour of the solar-powered sea slug Elysia viridis. Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb180463.


Dionísio, G., F. Faleiro, R. Bispo, A.R. Lopes, S. Cruz, J.R. Paula José, T. Repolho, R. Calado, R. Rosa. 2018. Distinct bleaching resilience of photosynthetic plastid-bearing mollusks under thermal stress and high CO2 conditions. Frontiers in Physiology 9: 1675.


Rey, F., E. Costa, A.M. Campos, P. Cartaxana, E. Maciel, P. Domingues, M.R.M. Domingues, R. Calado, S. Cruz. 2017. Kleptoplasty does not promote major shifts in the lipidome of macroalgal chloroplasts sequestered by the sacoglossan sea slug Elysia viridis. Scientific Reports 7: 11502.


Cartaxana, P., E. Trampe, M. Kühl, S. Cruz. 2017. Kleptoplast photosynthesis is nutritionally relevant in the sea slug Elysia viridis. Scientific Reports 7: 7714.


Marques da Silva, J., S. Cruz, P. Cartaxana. 2017. Inorganic carbon availability in benthic diatom communities: photosynthesis and migration. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372: 20160398.


Christa, G., S. Cruz, P. Jahns, J. de Vries, P. Cartaxana, A.C. Esteves, J. Serôdio, S.B. Gould. 2017. Photoprotection in a monophyletic branch of chlorophyte algae is independent of energy-dependent quenching (qE). New Phytologist 214: 1132-1144.